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Manufactured By CADILA PHARMA-1086


ZYROVA C 10MG CAPSULE is a combination of Clopidogrel and Rosuvastatin which belongs to the group of medicines called Antiplatelets and HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors respectively. ZYROVA C 10MG CAPSULE is indicated for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction (also known as a heart attack), angina (chest pain due to inadequate blood supply to the heart) and stroke (reduced blood supply to the brain leading to brain death), among patients with elevated cholesterol and/or triglyceride levels along with a suitable diet, exercise and weight management regimen.

An acute coronary syndrome is a heart condition caused by plaque rupture or clot formation in the coronary arteries. Symptoms include heart attack, chest pressure or pain while at rest, shortness of breath and sweating.

During and prior to treatment with ZYROVA C 10MG CAPSULE, your doctor would recommend several blood tests to check your liver function.

ZYROVA C 10MG CAPSULE generally increases your tendency to bleed and so if you cut or injure yourself, it may take a little longer for the bleeding to stop. Bleeding for minor injuries like small cut or shaving is of no concern.  

However, if you experience excessive bleeding for a prolonged period, contact your doctor. Before taking ZYROVA C 10MG CAPSULE inform your doctor if you have any liver, kidney or lung disease.

ZYROVA C 10MG CAPSULE is generally not suitable for use in pregnant or breastfeeding women and in children or adolescents (aged below 18 years). ZYROVA C 10MG CAPSULE should be used with caution in elderly patients (aged 65 years or above).

The most common side effects of taking ZYROVA C 10MG CAPSULE are headache, dizziness, nausea, stomach pain or increased bleeding tendency. Consult your doctor if any of the side effects worsen.